The CLAM SHACK Model #2407 - SOLD

with deluxe wiring

Deluxe wiring?!?  What does that mean?

The deluxe wiring package gives you greater control of your Clam Shack!

The primary difference to the standard wiring is having independent voice rotary switches for each Off Kiltertron pickup.  Other new controls are treble and bass tone controls, a phase switch, a serial/parallel switch, a neck pickup on/off rocker switch, and a single/dual voice rotary switch.  This switch allows you to control both OKT voices separately (dual mode) or control both with the main voice rotary (neck pickup rotary).

Deluxe wiring is a $150 upgrade to any Clam Shack guitar, including the Deep VI six string bass!

Aren't you glad you asked?



25.5" scale neck / 9.5" radius
Fat "C" neck profile / 1.697" nut
Vintage frets (jescar 43080)
Maple neck / Rosewood fretboard
Alder body
Weight: 7 lbs 10 oz
Tuners: Gotoh locking
Bridge: large roller
Neck: Off Kiltertron
Middle: Bar-Belle
Bridge: Off Kiltertron
Master Volume
Treble Tone
Bass Tone
OKT Voice rotary (neck)
OKT Voice rotary (bridge)
5-way switch
Neck pickup rocker switch
Phase switch
Serial/Parallel switch
Independent or Master rotary switch

Color: Seafoam Green / matching headstock / light tortoid pickguard / aged pearl tuner buttons

Want to escape the ordinary?

The Clam Shack is the guitar for you!

This Clam Shack guitar is $2,650 US including hard case. CONTACT US to learn more.

Need more knobs and switches in your life?  Here's the solution!

So how does this work?

The magic is in the OKT rotary, which allows you to quickly switch between the three single coil and three humbucking voices.  The tone control has a push/pull switch to engage the neck pickup, allowing you to have the neck and bridge pickups on together.  Volume control has a treble bleed so the high end frequencies aren't lost as you lower the volume.  Pretty cool, eh?


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